Fatih Mehmet Özcan

Access my accomplished works

Airbus A340 Meeting Room: Table, Side Ledges Design and Assembly

  • 3D Model of complete assembly, designed from scratch
  • Assembled on adapter plates with complete strip down of specific frame range
  • Table and seats locations crosschecked on the frames of the A/C

SolidWorks   Catia

Airbus AirnavX PDF Generator

  • Developed a web-based program that automated MPD based job-card downloads from AirnavX which is Airbus' data interface
  • Legacy way was to enter each tasks by hand, which was tedious to do hundreds of times
  • Developed with JavaScript


TRAX Import File Generator

  • Gets listed MPD and AMM values from customer work-packages and searches corresponding data through related databases, then updates necessary values in compliance with Trax format
  • Involves an inside program that crates new NRC import files also for TRAX

Excel   Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

Stretcher Project Migration

  • Converted all drawings to be in compliance with design organization PART21.J regulations
  • Developed macros to work on more than 300 pages of document
  • Created a how to assembly animation video

Catia   SolidWorks   VBA

Stretcher Instruction Card

  • Created an instruction card on how to use the stretcher for crew members and families of patients

Adobe Illlustrator   Catia

Insert Selection Helper

  • Engineer selects related composite thickness, connection type and other necessary options for the outcome of to decide which insert should be used
  • Generates CAD data for Catia and SolidWorks with selected dimensions
  • Selected for best innovation of the quarter of the year

Excel   VBA   SolidWorks   Catia

Autocad Layout Automation

  • Detects and setups each layout for PDF output and printing
  • Selected for best innovation of the quarter of the year

Autocad   VBA   Lisp

Tubular Tower Section Generator

  • Generates sections of a tubular tower by using a custom DriveWorksXpress project with desired values input
  • Works even faster than programs made solely for tower design
  • Solid innovation for the company

DriveWorksXpress   SolidWorks